I am committed to providing an ear and a voice to all students with respect to Inclusion, Diversity, Belonging, and Equity and to achieving a culture that lives up to the definition of these words.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you are more than welcome to let me know by filling out this (anonymous) survey or scheduling an appointment for my office hour.

Courses taught at Colorado State University

STAR 511: Design and Data Analysis for Researchers I (Fall 2023)

  • Graduate-level;
  • Probability distributions, inferences about population mean and variances, multiple comparisons, categorical data analysis, linear regression and correlation, etc.

Courses taught at Tsinghua University

Advanced Statistical Methods (Fall 2022)

  • Graduate-level (Ph.D., required for qualifying exam); taught in English;
  • Linear mixed model, GLM, MLE, ANOVA, survival analysis, etc.

Introduction to Biostatistics (Spring 2022, Spring 2023)

  • Undergraduate-level; taught in English;
  • ANOVA, categorical data analysis, survival analysis, design and analysis of clinical trials, etc.

Advanced Topics in Statistics IV: Statistical Genetics (Spring 2022)

  • Graduate-level (Ph.D.); taught in English & Mandarin;
  • Genome-wide association analysis, functional genomics, integration of functional genomics and genetic data, gene-environment interactions, single cell transcriptomics, deep learning for regulatory genomics, etc.

High Dimensional Statistics (Fall 2021)

  • Graduate-level (Ph.D.); taught in English;
  • Optimization theory, LASSO and generalizations of the LASSO penalty, theory for LASSO prediction and variable selection consistency, etc.

Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Spring 2021)

  • Undergraduate-level; taught in English & Mandarin;
  • Matrix algebra, multivariate normal distribution, principal component analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, canonical corelation analysis

Courses at Texas A&M University

Instructor (Full responsibility, Summer 2016):

  • STAT 303 Statistical Methods

    • Introduction of probability and probability distributions; sampling and descriptive measures; inference and hypothesis testing; analysis of variance; linear regression (no calculus background required)

Teaching Assistant (Fall 2014-Spring 2016):

  • STAT 211 Principle of Statistics I

    • Introduction to probability and probability distributions; sampling and descriptive measures; inference and hypothesis testing; analysis of variance; linear regression (calculus background required)
  • STAT 212 Principle of Statistics II

    • Similar as STAT 211 but for students from different majors.
  • STAT 630 Overview of Math STAT

    • Introduction to mathematical statistics for graduate students: probability theory, theory of statistical inferences and Bayesian methods.
  • STAT 689 Semiparametric Regression using R

    • Introduction to semiparametric regression methods and analyze data in R. Topics include generalized linear models, nonparametric regression, partially linear models, additive models, grouped data, longitudinal data, etc.